Tuesday, February 9, 2010

rough week

Today was rough, we had a student that started a fight with another student, and I was forced to take the student down. This is always hard, and after talking with the cops and going over the play by play with the video feed, I was able to return to my class and finish out my day. I really feel bad, but he was fighting a girl and we are trained in how to prevent such events from further escalating. I guess that is what you get when you work at an alternative school. Luckily for myself and the students involved, no one was injured. Unfortunately both students were expelled.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

My thoughts on the week.

Since it is now February, we are doing a lesson on Martin Luther King Jr. in honor of black history month. This is a fascinating lesson that I believe the kids in my classes really enjoy! We start off by watching a video I found from the History channel about Martin Luther King Jr. and end with a group project. I find that it is fascinating for the kids to come up with facts that they can't read in their history text books. For this unit, all text books are to remain closed, and the students have to find information from other sources ie. the internet, journals, news paper archives, videos, and library books. The students learn a lot more about the subjects that they are researching this way, and not just reading out of the text!

my presentation


Saturday, January 30, 2010


Scavenger Hunt- Ancient Cultures South American Civilizations

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Here is the URL for my google site : http://www.google.com/profiles/matttigani#about

poster worksheet

This poster project is to help find information for the research and presentation my students will be giving in class.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Presentation for World History

This is a check list of the information that is expected from each of my students when preparing for their presentation.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Matt Tigani EDCU 535

I chose google Earth http://earth.google.com/. This is a great site for my students to look at when doing projects, especially with what is happening in Haiti. I have had my students go online and find our school, their house, and other areas of interest. By using this in my classroom, my students can get a better idea of what is going on around the world, and where certain locations are. This is a great tool for my geography class.